Wholesale Pricing

Damascene Gallery Workshop and Showroom Address

Including the Chapel of St. John of Damascus

1373 Left Fork Miller's Fork Rd.
Wayne, WV 25570

Mon - Fri: 9am - 4:30pm
Saturday, Sunday: Closed

Email Address: icons @ damascenegallery.com

Please note: We are also closed on all Julian Calendar Feastdays and civil holidays.

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Wholesale / Reseller Pricing Application

Damascene Gallery offers wholesale pricing to resellers of some of our product lines.  If you would like to apply for a Wholesale Account with Damascene Gallery, please read through the following Wholesale Agreement and then fill out the Wholesale Application (below):

Damascene Gallery Wholesale Agreement


Thank you for your interest in becoming a wholesale eligible partner with Damascene Gallery! We are very excited to work with you and look forward to a bright future of mutually beneficial partnership.


Meeting the following conditions grants eligibility to be a wholesale partner with Damascene Gallery...

  • The icons and other items you acquire using a wholesale discount must be intended for resale
  • The entity granted wholesale pricing must have a physical location with a mailing address and an email address associated with the store or parish
    The email address associated with the store or parish will be used in setting up the wholesale account
  • The initial wholesale order must include at least $100 in Damascene Gallery goods (calculated after the discount is applied).
  • For orders in excess of $500 (calculated after the discount is applied), we require that a minimum of 50% is remitted before we begin work on the order.  This is to ensure that the costs of raw materials is covered before we begin work.

Also requested but not required:

Please, pray for us at Damascene Gallery that our work may be pleasing to our Beloved Savior Jesus Christ.

Discount Schedule

Classic and Classic with Canvas Icons

Our Classic icons are mounted to Birch MDF Core panels with either premium paper or canvas as print media... all icons are treated with UV inhibiting varnish. Classic icons come in a glossy finish (unless otherwise requested). Classic with Canvas icons come in a matte finish (unless otherwise requested).

Sellers of Classic and Classic with Canvas Icons receive a 40% discount off of MSRP

High Quality Icons

Our High Quality icons are mounted to solid wood poplar panels with solid oak support splines inserted into the reverse of the panel to prevent warping. The print media for High Quality icons is our archivally rated canvas. As with Classic icons, the prints are treated with UV inhibiting varnish and have a matte finish (unless otherwise requested).

Premium Icons

Our Premium icons are similar to the High Quality icons: they are mounted to solid wood poplar panels with solid oak support splines inserted into the reverse to prevent warping. The finest archival paper is used for the prints and an outer frame is applied resulting in a stunning icon with kovcheg.

Sellers of High Quality and Premium Icons receive a 30% discount off of MSRP

Other Products

We regret that, at this time, it is not possible for us to offer Reseller Discounts on Fine Art Prints and other products offered through Damascene Gallery.


Please let us know if you have any additional questions or comments.

To God be the glory!

If you agree to the terms of the Wholesale Agreement, then proceed to filling out the Wholesale Application (below):

Contact us using the information above or using the contact form below: